Fireplaces are the main piece of any living room, and provide both function and comfort for your family. Sometimes they may look outdated if it is made from a dark colored brick, which can make the whole room look darker. A great way to refresh the living room is to whitewash your fireplace. Whitewashing means painting the existing brick white while still maintaining the natural texture of the brick underneath.. Keeping your brick while whitewashing it ties in a modern, up-to-date trend with an older, classy look.
People often get nervous to paint their brick fireplaces since it is such a focal point in any home. At Paintegrity, we are happy to help you with every step of whitewashing your fireplace. There are different shades of paint used for whitewashing. We can sit down with you and figure out what color will best compliment your room and work well with the brick color you have already. Some people even choose a light grey shade to use for this.
Although whitewashing your brick may seem like a task you can do on your own, we highly recommend using the professionals at Paintegrity to tackle your fireplace. Your brick will go through a thorough cleaning process before any paint is applied. This is to ensure the paint is of highest quality. We also help cover any other surfaces near your fireplace so nothing is getting any paint stains.
The reason whitewashing provides a white color while exposing the original brick is because the paint is mixed with water. This makes the paint a lot messier and difficult to apply to the surface, which many people unfortunately find out when trying to paint it themselves. Our professional team makes sure you have the right paint consistency and applies it correctly so there is no mess. After that, we continue to whitewash to achieve your desired look and feel. We listen to you every step of the way to make sure you get what you want.
Get excited, your living room now has a fresh and beautiful look! Whitewashing is a great technique for opening up the room and making it lighter and brighter. This even works well for fireplaces that are in bedrooms. For the 2021 year, try taking a step to giving your living room a new look. Give us a call today and let’s get started!
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